Health Tips

Drinking water

Because drinking enough water is very important for optimal health, finding ways to get the water i need throughout my day has been very helpful. Here's a list of a few tips and ways to increase water intake throughout the day.

 1. Drink a glass of water first thing in the morning
It's a good way to start the day and make drinking water a habit. It's quite refreshing and can also help with bad morning breath among other things.
2. Carrying a water bottle to track water intake
I have a 1liter water bottle that is great for helping me keep track of how much water I'm drinking and keep me hydrated whenever I go out and about.
3. Drinking a glass of water before going to bed
growing up, I remember my mom telling me to drink water first thing in the morning and before I went to bed (along with praying) and it's something i still do now as an adult. It's a good habit to get into, especially when there may not be as many opportunities to drink water during the day as well as make several trips to the bathroom.
4. Drink water first when hunger pangs kick in
Often times when our stomach grumble or we think we are hungry, we are actually dehydrated and in need for water. Thirst can sometimes be mistaken by hunger.
5. Eat fruits and veggies that contain a good amount of water
like watermelon, tomatoes, cucumbers. Incorporating these yummy items in our diet can help us maintain a healthy daily water intake